
‘The Galactic Core over Buttermere’
The heart of our Milky Way Galaxy over Fleetwith Pike, Haystacks & beautiful Buttermere
Buttermere on a spring night. Mirror calm reflections and beautifully dark skies showing the massive clouds of dust and gas at the centre of our galaxy. Deep in these clouds lies a Supermassive black hole names Sagittarius A* and is 4 million times the mass of our own sun. Our Galaxy contains 250-500 billion stars and from where our solar system lies Sagittarius A* is around 26,000 light years away. The edge of our Galaxy lies around the same distance away too putting our solar system half way.
This is a tracked shot meaning I have used a mount that matched the rotation of Earth as I take the photograph therefore allowing longer exposures and more detail in the dust clouds. A great tool to have when it comes to Milky Way photography.
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